Gratitude List 1907

(1) While it may sound trite, I want to express my gratitude for the classic lime-flavored Gatorade, which I gobble down after every morning run, sometimes in multiple servings. It reminds me of the electrolyte replacement drinks such as ERG that they used to provide during the races. The other flavors don’t do it for me, but there is nothing like a good morning run followed by a traditional dose of Gatorade.

(2) Speaking of running, I did a nice morning run at six in the morning along a spontaneously devised 3.5 mile course this morning. It felt great to be running to and from my new apartment, as well as to be running at all.

(3) Burned ten Cds this morning, five of Turbulence and five of Transition. The ADHD was so severe it took me quite some time, and I missed the Farmer’s Market where I’d have sold them. However at least I’ll have them ready for next Saturday, and for however many sales I make in between.

(4) Both yesterday and today, numerous songs I’d forgotten I’d ever written have been buzzing through my head. This calls for a revisit to the album Talisman, which is to consist entirely of originals. Perhaps some of these songs belong there.

(5) Cody and I have written the Kenworthy Theatre to secure two or three dates in early December for a revue of some of the songs from Eden in Babylon. I’m waiting to hear both from them and from Tessa, before we move very much further. On a number of levels, emerging upon us from various surprising directions, there appears to be a synergy moving toward a new production of Eden in Babylon. The involvement of the great Tessa Stewart is not to be taken randomly.

“Music is a higher revelation than all wisdom and philosophy. Music is the electrical soil in which the spirit lives, thinks, and invents.” — Ludwig van Beethoven

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